Author: aservice

  • Stop as Yield

    Pulled together semi-feverishly for this year’s Portland Zine Symposium (as is traditional). A collaboration with A. McNamee. As usual, you can buy the zine.


    email! that! guy! Illustrated by A. McNamee and riso printed at the IPRC. As usual, you can buy the zine.

  • Pet Peeves #1: Favicons

    I want to hear about your pet peeves! (we need a sequel…) illustrated by A. McNamee and riso printed at Outlet. As usual, you can buy the zine.

  • Audible Sucks.

    a mini zine made collaboration with A. McNamee, whose work you can see at and @audmcname buy a physical copy or a high res pdf Annotated Bibliography Page 2: market control, royalties,  Page 3 and 4: embargos and libraries Resources and Further Reading

  • RSS Is (Not) Dead (Yet)

    Made in collaboration with A. McNamee, whose work you can see at and @audmcname buy a physical copy or a high res pdf

  • Dear Miss Tingle Zine

    Made in collaboration with A. McNamee, whose work you can see at and @audmcname This zine is based on my research on domestic science in the early 20th Century Pacific Northwest and Lilian Tingle. You can read my blog about recreating recipes from the column and check out the map I made of Tingle’s…

  • ODNP blog

    ODNP Blog Posts ODNP is a free digitized newspaper archive. It includes Historic Oregon Newspapers and some modern/recent digitized Oregon Newspapers. You can browse the archive here. The print., April 01, 1987,

  • The Jell-O Pages

    Made in collaboration with A. McNamee, whose work you can see at and @audmcname I also wrote a blog post about making historical(ish) gelatin creations and Jell-O molds for a highly academic Jell-O extravaganza! Transcript with linked citations you can buy a physical copy or a high res pdf

  • Jell-O (behind the scenes)

    The zine production cycle (well, our zine production cycle) is somewhat haphazard. The research, writing and drawing process tend to happen at different times and paces depending on our joint interest levels and time commitments. All this to say, we had a soft launch party (?) for our upcoming Jell-O zine before said zine even…

  • Billboards vs. Beautification

    Made in collaboration with A. McNamee, whose work you can see at and @audmcname Transcript (with linked citations) you can buy a physical copy or a high res pdf Transcript (with linked citations)